Every wedding is great but every now and then you get a day that is truly memorable – which was the case with this Edinburgh Zoo wedding. When I first met Alex & Florrie i was instantly at ease in their company – I knew their day was going to be fun and unique. But when they told me where it was going to be I was like – “What? Where???”. I had immediate dreams of pictures of the bride and groom with tigers and pandas (maybe not ideal for health and safety haha). I never even knew you could have your wedding there. As it turns out they have a beautiful mansion set in the gardens right in the middle of the zoo. I have probably walked past it on each visit but never noticed it as I was too busy looking for animals! The mansion is absolutely stunning and is the home of the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland with a tonne of history attached to it.
So, the big day. We had Lions, Penguins, Lego, Game Of Thrones, sunshine, love, drama, sunshine and memories that will last forever. Florrie and Alex were married in a wonderful humanist ceremony within the mansion before we went out to the gardens for some great pictures. We then went to see the world famous ‘Penguin Parade’ (it was a photo I simply had to get!). I have crawled through bushes and mud before to get a photo but never have I been warned by a zoo keeper that I am in danger of being pecked by a herd of penguins! Totally worth it. Just to make things even more awesome we had our own ‘zoo chauffer’ where me, Flooie and Alex were driven around the zoo for photo opportunites – it sure beats walking up that hill! We went up to the lookout point were you can see the full Edinburgh skyline – another perfect place for romantic photos. It was a fantastic day and I am super proud to have been part of it.

After the wedding I had to walk out to the car park through the zoo in the pitch dark – the zoo was closed and you could hear animal noises coming from the dark! Finding the path with the torch on your mobile phone was not for the feint hearted! lol
Alec Beaton
“Could not have hoped for a better photographer for our Edinburgh Zoo wedding. Mark was fantastic, handling all the guests perfectly and setting up some amazing photos. He went above and beyond ensuring our day went smoothly and even came to the rescue when other things went awry. We could not recommend him enough, being an excellent photographer, he is also one of the nicest guys we’ve met.”